Suppliers FAQs
1How to promote your company and products at CPS+ eMarketplace?
  1. For members (Black/Violet/Red/Basic/Guest): Log into Supplier Centre, click “Update Company & Product Info” to fill in the promotion form. Your company and product information will be shown on the platform after your form submission.
  2. For registered users: Please join Basic Membership to enjoy the promotion service (please see Q4)
2 Where can I find the sourcing requests of global buyers?

Log in to Supplier Centre to view the full list of sourcing requests.

3How to contact buyers?
  1. For members (Black/Violet/Red/Basic): Simply click the “CONTACT BUYER” button under each sourcing request to link up with buyers from all over the world in no time.
  2. For Guest Members or registered users: Please upgrade to or join Basic Membership to enjoy the service (please see Q4).
4How to join / upgrade membership?
Please send email to Our Customer Service staff will get in touch with you shortly.
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